пятница, 21 июня 2019 г.

Сила предков

Как древнерусская борьба спасла жизнь российскому спецназовцу?
• Где хранятся секреты славянских мастеров единоборств? • Что такое бесконтактный бой? • Какие секреты хранил Алексей Кадочников?

среда, 19 июня 2019 г.

Индейцы в космосе.

О чем молчат наследники майя?
• Что привело майя в Центральную Америку?
• Как пришельцы научились скрывать свои подлинные лица?
• Как управлять природными силами?
• Для чего строили пирамиды?
• Как работает магия древних сооружений?

среда, 12 июня 2019 г.

The ZetaTalk NewsletterIssue 663, Sunday June 16, 2019Weekly news and views from around the world and beyond.
New ZetaTalkEarth ChangesAnnouncementsSigns of the Times
Bucket Lists
What does the immature soul do with the knowledge, gained during contact, that the world as he or she knows it will soon end? Told the truth by aliens consulting with them during contact, they will learn that the comforts of their modern life will soon end, to be replaced by hard work growing or collecting food, and no more video games or shopping trips, and certainly no more travel. Is there a relationship to the rising number of contactees and the current traffic jam at Mt Everest?

What's Causing Mount Everest's Deadly Season? Overcrowding, Inexperience and a Long Line to the Top
May 29, 2019

Eleven people have died scaling the peaks of Mount Everest this year in a particularly crowded season atop the world's highest mountain. Government officials in Nepal blamed bad weather limiting the number of days people can attempt to summit the mountain. Veteran mountaineers said overcrowding and inexperience can kill climbers. Most of the 11 fatalities on Mount Everest's peaks this year were because of complications related to altitude sickness. It's the highest number of climbers killed since 2015 when more than a dozen climbers and Sherpas died, most in an avalanche at base camp. In 2014, 16 Sherpas died in an avalanche.

вторник, 11 июня 2019 г.

Бильдерберг 2019 и высокотехнологичное будущее трансатлантической власти

По мере того, как военная техника  становится все умнее, а каждое последующее поколение вооружений более усовершенствованным за счет применения искусственного интеллекта, граница между Кремниевой долиной и Пентагоном все более размывается. Если вдохнуть воздух атмосферы собрания Бильдербергского клуба этого года, то можно  ощутить признаки нового вида войны: темой обсуждений становятся «киберугрозы» и «превращение соцсетей в вид оружия».

Это размывание границ между технологиями и военной сферой обретает физическую форму в виде появления некоторых участников встречи

пятница, 7 июня 2019 г.

The ZetaTalk NewsletterIssue 662, Sunday June 9, 2019Weekly news and views from around the world and beyond.
New ZetaTalkEarth ChangesAnnouncementsSigns of the Times
Mueller Madness
After two years with exhaustive resources, Special Counsel Mueller produced a 400 page virtually un-redacted report which was made available to Congress, the media, and the general public. But the dance, and the unanswered questions, continue. Was Mueller himself part of the “insurance policy” to prevent Trump from gaining or retaining the Presidency? The marching orders Rosenstein gave to Mueller appear to restrict his investigation solely to the Trump campaign. Hillary, and Russian Dossier crimes, were not to be investigated.

ZetaTalk Insight 3/31/2019: The Mueller Report has been released and is a shock to the Hillary Cabal and the Democratic Party, who were assured, privately, that the outcome would be different. Neither Mueller or Rosenstein are Trump supporters, but were restrained by changes in the DOJ. Mueller wanted to go after the Trump family but none of this related to his mission statement.